The research articles published from the DöBra research program are listed in chronological order below.


Conceptualizing impact in community-based participatory action research to engage communities in end-of-life issues

Kleijberg M,  Hilton R, Maina Ahlberg B, Tishelman C.

Palliative Care and Social Practice; published online.

Use, usability, and impact of a card-based conversation tool to support communication about end-of-life preferences in residential elder care – a qualitative study of staff experiences

Johansson T, Tishelman C,  Eriksson, L.E, Cohen J, Goliath I.

BMC Geriatrics; 22


Values and preferences for future end-of-life care among the indigenous Sámi 

Kroik L, Eneslätt M, Stoor K, Tishelman C, Edin-Liljegren A.

Scandinavian journal of caring sciences; 00, 1-11.

Same, same, but different? A longitudinal, mixed-methods study of stability in values and preferences for future end-of-life care among community-dwelling, older adults

Eneslätt M, Helgesson G, Tishelman C.

BMC Palliative Care; 20, published online

Hands across care: Art and social practice in health and elder care contexts.

Macarow K, Hilton R, Coombs, G.

Public Health; 195, 135-141

A Salutogenic Perspective on End-of-Life Care among the Indigenous Sámi of Northern Fennoscandia

Kroik L, Stoor K, Tishelman C, Edin-Liljegren A.

Healthcare; 9(6), 766

Play Elements as Mechanisms in Intergenerational Arts Activities to Support Community Engagement with End-of-Life Issues

Kleijberg M,  Hilton R, Maina Ahlberg B, Tishelman C.

Healthcare9(6), 764

Dissemination, use, and impact of a community-based, conversational advance care planning intervention: Ripple effects of the Swedish DöBra cards

Eneslätt M, Helgesson G, Tishelman C.

Palliative Care and Social Practice; published online.

Continuums of Change in a CompetenceBuilding Initiative Addressing End-of-Life Communication in Swedish Elder Care

Johansson T, Tishelman C, Cohen J, Eriksson, L.E, Goliath I.

Qualitative Health Research; published online.


Palliative care nurses’ strategies when working in private homes—A photo‐elicitation study.

Alvariza A, Mjörnberg M, Goliath I.

Journal of Clinical Nursing, 29(1-2), 139–151

(In)visible materialities in the context of dementia care.

Cleeve H, Borell L, Rosenberg L.

Sociol Health Illn.;42(1), 126-142.

Markings: Boundaries and Borders in Dementia Care Units.

Cleeve H.

Design and Culture; 12(1), 5-29.

Using narrative analysis to explore traditional Sámi knowledge through storytelling about End-of-Life

Kroik L, Stoor K, Edin-Liljegren A, Tishelman C.

Health & Place; 65.

Death, loss and community – Perspectives from children, their parents and older adults on intergenerational community-based arts initiatives in Sweden

Kleijberg M, Maina Ahlberg B, Hilton R, Tishelman C.

Health and Social Care in the Community; 00: 1-12.

Exploring Community-Dwelling Older Adults’ Considerations About Values and Preferences for Future End-of-Life Care: A Study from Sweden

Eneslätt M, Helgesson G, Tishelman C.

The Gerontologist; 60(7),  1332–1342

The past is present: Death systems among the Indigenous Sámi in Northern Scandinavia today

Kroik L, Lindqvist O, Stoor K, Tishelman C.




A creative proposition for health and wellbeing.

Macarow K.

Hospital Development, 32(6), 25-28.

Developing and using a structured, conversation-based intervention for clarifying values and preferences for end-of-life in the advance care planning-naive Swedish context: Action research within the DöBra research program.

Tishelman C, Eneslätt M, Menkin E, Lindqvist O.

Death Studies; 1-13.

Navigating power dynamics in engaging communities in end-of-life issues – Lessons learned from developing community-based intergenerational arts initiatives about death and loss

Kleijberg M, Maina Ahlberg B, Macdonald A, Lindqvist O, Tishelman C.

Death Studies; 1-14.



Feasibility of different action-oriented techniques used with patients, family and staff to improve the end-of-life care environment in an action-research project

Goliath I, Lindqvist O, Tishelman C.

Palliative Medicine; 32(1_suppl), 3-330

Family members´ experiences of the end-of-life care environments in acute care settings – a photo-elicitation study

Hajradinovic Y, Tishelman C, Lindqvist O, Goliath I.

International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being; 13(1), 151-176.

Not just things: The roles of objects at the end of life.

Cleeve H, Tishelman C, Macdonald A, Lindqvist O, Goliath I.

Sociology of Health and Illness; 40(4), 735–749.



Public Awareness of Palliative Care in Sweden

Westerlund C, Tishelman C, Benkel I, Fürst CJ, Molander U, Rasmussen BH, Sauter S, Lindqvist O.

Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, 46(4), 478–487

Beyond the visual and verbal: Using participant-produced photographs in research on the surroundings for care at the end-of-life

Tishelman C, Lindqvist O, Hajdarevic H, Rasmussen BH, Goliath I.

 Social Science & Medicine, 168, 120–129.

Research in public health and end-of-life care—Building on the past and developing the new

Sallnow L,  Tishelman C, Lindqvist O, Richardson H, Cohen J.

Progress in Palliative Care, 24(1), 25–30.

Going public: reflections on developing the DöBra research program for health-promoting palliative care in Sweden

Lindqvist O, Tishelman C.

Progress in Palliative Care, 24(1), 19–24


Room for Death – International museum-visitors’ preferences regarding the end of their life

Lindqvist O, Tishelman C.

Social Science & Medicine; 139, 1–8.